I don't have a Caps Lock problem either, which I see many others complaining about in the Discussions. Again, all of the OTHER functions of the keyboard work fine.
I called Apple Tech support and no one could answer the question.
My question: Does not having the Power On light 'on' when the keyboard is switched on indicate a hardware problem? If so, I want to return the keyboard while it's still under warranty. That seemed to work, because when I tested it, an image appeared with the words 'Connection Lost.' I tried the suggestion in the discussion group of holding the on/off switch for a few seconds. Simply pressing the on/off switch does not turn it off. There is no other indication of functionality. The only way to know if it's on is to try using it. When I turn the keyboard on, the power light comes on for a few seconds, then goes off.
of the manual reads, 'Note: When the Power On light is off, the keyboard is off.'
Brand new wireless keyboard just out of the box.